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Truth about Plastic

"Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied."

Robert Boyce 

Facts and figures about plastic pollution all around the world

"How much do lies cost us? It is not so much that we can confuse them with the truth.

The real danger is that in the media hubbub around plastic waste and the recycling solution, we will no longer be able to recognize the truth. "


Plastic affects our health

Plastic affects our land

Plastic affects our water

Plastic affects our air

Plastic affects our climate

It’s enough.


We are talking about change.

Don’t talk about it, be about it.

Less words, more actions. 

Change comes from being involved.


Reject the lie, educate yourself, think about the butterfly effect. 

It is all about action.  Learn more here.

The Truth about Plastic_NMP.jpg
Together We Can Save Our Life
Together We Can Save Our Life


By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. 

No time to waste. Act now!


Join us and sign the No More Plastic Manifesto. Sign here


Open Your Eyes
Open Your Eyes

The Coast for Bali

Shocking footage has emerged showing a Bali ocean containing tonnes of plastic waste, showing the damage that humans are doing to the world's ocean. 

In 2018, British Diver Rich Horner captured these images while diving at Manta Point, which is located around 20km away from Bali, Indonesia. Cups, wrappers and bags can be seen everywhere, all while tropical fish swim around in the waste. Horner said that the ocean current carried the "lovely gift" to the area. 8 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into the ocean each year, and Indonesia is the world's second largest contributors to plastic pollution; producing 130,000 tonnes of plastic waste a day.  The country is making efforts to clean up the area, but plastic pollution is becoming an increasing problem to tackle.  Hopefully scenes like this will open people's eyes to the worldwide issue. 

Blue Planet II
Blue Planet II 

Plastic Pollution Awareness 2018 

Sir David Attenborough, whose Blue Planet TV program alerted the world to the damage plastic was wreaking on the oceans, says that the effects of plastic pollution is an “unfolding catastrophe that has been overlooked for too long”.


He said it was time to act “not only for the health of our planet, but for the wellbeing of people around the world”.

The Problem With Plastic
The Problem With Plastic


From the stomachs of baby seabirds to the depths of the oceans — plastic pollution is everywhere.

Every year an estimated eight million tonnes of the material flow into the oceans. And, over the past few months, there has been a huge increase in public and political concern about this marine pollution, to a level where it is approaching climate change as an environmental issue.


“The problem is building up so quickly that people can no longer deny its existence. That’s why we are talking about it now.”


You can read the article here.

Penalty, The World by Mandy Barker
Penalty, The World


Mandy Barker is an award winning British photographic artist whose work involving marine plastic debris has received global recognition. Her series PENALTY aims to create awareness about the issue of marine pollution by focusing attention on the football as a single plastic object and global symbol that could reach an international audience. The project involved the collaboration with members of the public from around the world after a call via social media for people to collect and post footballs they found in the sea or on the shoreline.

In total 992 marine debris balls were recovered from the world's oceans in just 4 months. 769 footballs and pieces of, with 223 other types of balls were collected from 41 different countries and islands and from 144 different beaches, by 89 members of the public.

The Future of the Oceans
The Future of the Oceans

BBC Earth

Our oceans are home to half of all life on earth today.

They produce around 50% of the oxygen on the planet.

It has been reported that as many as 90% of seabirds could be contaminated with plastic.

We need to ACT now.

Change your life, change your lifestyle for a  NoMorePlastic Life

The Sea Turtle
The Sea Turtle 

With a Straw in its Nostril 

What do you do?


In 2015, an Olive Ridley sea turtle was found with a four-inch plastic straw lodged in it’s nasal cavity, inhibiting it’s breathing and sense of smell, critical in the ability to find food.


Last year during International Coastal Cleanup Day, over 400,000 straws and stirrers were found on beaches.


Plastic doesn't biodegrade, it photodegrades into smaller and smaller pieces, which get ingested by marine and land animals, and into our food chain.

In 2018, the 'great Pacific garbage patch' is bigger than thought: this toxic area is now three times the size of France and contains 79,000 tonnes of plastic.

What do you do to cut down on plastic waste?


Together, we can change our future.


NO MORE PLASTIC® trademark

and Turtle Symbol are owned by NO MORE PLASTIC

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